Shenhua fan in coma after hit and run accident

Shenhua’s victory celebrations had a bittersweet taste last night. Before the game, your correspondent learnt of a shocking road incident on Friday night which left a Shenhua fan in a coma.

At around 11.30pm, Wu Zhaoming, nicknamed Xiao Ji, was crossing Dalian West Road near Dongtiyuhui Road in Hongkou District, not far from Shenhua’s home stadium, when he was hit by a vehicle which did not stop afterwards. A passer-by called for an ambulance, and he was taken to hospital, where he now lies in a coma with serious head injuries.

Wu is a flagbearer and drummer in the Blue Boys (Lanbao) ultra’s group who stand at the south terrace of the stadium. The Blue Boys are appealing for anyone who might have seen anything to come forward so that the individual who drove off in a most cowardly manner after hitting Wu might be apprehended.

The Blue Boys are also raising funds to pay for Wu’s medical treatment. There is no social medical insurance system in China and hospital bills are very expensive and unfortunately, 27-year-old Wu’s parents have both retired and struggling to pay the bills. According to a report on, at last night’s game, Shenhua fans outside Hongkou Stadium raised over 50,000 RMB for Wu’s treatment. But this figure will not be anywhere near enough for someone who unfortunately looks like he will spend a lengthy period in hospital.

If you’d like to donate to Wu’s medical fund there are two ways you can do it. You can look out for Blue Boy’s members collecting at the games on the street outside the ground, and at gates 18 and 3. Or you can walk into a Bank of Communications and deposit money in account number 5218990117109164, name Wu Zhaoming (吴兆明).

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